It is important to understand that “distance learning” education requires individual motivation and personal incentive to achieve the goal of a degree. The very word “study” implies an ongoing commitment, application, and persistence to complete a course and ultimately earn that coveted degree.
New Hope Bible College has prepared excellent study courses, but it is up to the individual to do the studying. We can say we want to study, we want to earn a degree, but unless you put the work into it, you will accomplish nothing. Independent study, the way New Hope Bible College has prepared for you, will require a firm determination to eliminate distractions and set goals for your own success. We know that many things will compete for the time you will need to study God’s Word. But, unless we make time and room for Christ in our lives and the study of His Word, we will never achieve maturity, which is called for in the Scriptures.
New Hope Bible College courses are designed to only take between 4-6 weeks each to devote to study. That means that if you are determined to earn a degree and you complete a class within 6 weeks, you will have earned that degree in approximately one year or sooner depending on how long you take with each course. This time you devote to the study of these courses is entirely up to the individual. Some will take far less time to finish and some will take a bit longer. Again this is up to the student.